The critically acclaimed, full-length documentary Electric Lady Studios: A Jimi Hendrix Vision, chronicles the creation of the studio, rising from the rubble of a bankrupt Manhattan nightclub to state-of-the-art recording facility inspired by Hendrix’s desire for a permanent studio. Produced by Janie Hendrix, George Scott and John McDermott and directed by McDermott, the film features exclusive interviews with Steve Winwood, Experience bassist Billy Cox, and
original Electric Lady staff members who helped Hendrix realize his dream. The documentaryincludes never-before-seen footage and photos as well as track breakdowns of Hendrix classics such as “Freedom", "Angel” and “Dolly Dagger” by recording engineer Eddie Kramer.
As part of our STORYTELLER SERIES, graphic designer Phil Yarnall will join us for a Q&A following the film. Phil Yarnall is an established art director/designer with over 20 years of design experience working with some of the biggest names in the entertainment world and is the the owner of SMAY Design. He is always striving to find inventive solutions to the most vexing design challenges. His roster of clients include Sony Music, Rhino Records, Shout Factory, Universal Music Group, EMI Records, Loud & Proud Records, Now That's What I Call Music!, Hank Williams, AC/DC, The New York Underground Film Festival, Barnes & Noble, Sterling Publishing, TIME/LIFE, SIGG Bottleworks and The Jimi Hendrix Estate.
The Q&A will be moderated by Larry Milburn, an award-winning filmmaker, podcaster and Yoga instructor based in Washington, CT. You can learn more about his love of music and film at or his YouTube channel Yoga For Dudes, where he strives to inspire more men to start a practice towards a healthier lifestyle.
Listen to Larry’s interview with Phil about his work as a graphic artist here.